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Surgical options are provided by Dr Silverman for a wide variety of conditions including the following:

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is the name of a common condition where acid from the stomach travels backwards into the oesophagus and throat causing an uncomfortable burning sensation.

Otherwise known as heartburn or indigestion, acid reflux commonly occurs after meals or exposure to triggering foods and can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

Acid Reflux

Body Mass Index (BMI)

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the scientific calculation used to determine if someone is carrying too much body fat based on their weight and height.

Rather than focussing on weight alone (as this is often not a true indication of the health of someone), BMI considers a number of factors to give a more realistic overview.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Femoral Hernia

A femoral hernia is classified by its location in the body.

When muscles in the femoral canal are weak, they may not be strong enough to hold heavy abdominal tissue which presents as a bulge near the inner thigh or groin.

Femoral Hernia


Gallstones are a common complaint resulting from an imbalance in the digestive disorder.

Hardened masses resembling stones form from excess calcium salt, cholesterol and bile pigment in the bile duct or gallbladder.


Inguinal Hernia

The inguinal canal is located near the abdomen.

An inguinal hernia is a bulge in the inguinal canal formed by intestinal tissue that can't be supported by a weakened abdominal wall.

An indirect inguinal hernia follows the path into the scrotum; a direct inguinal hernia doesn't.

Inguinal Hernia

Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is a disease of the liver cells that overgrow to form malignant tumours.

The liver is one of the most vital organs in the body responsible for removing toxins and storing nutrients. The earlier liver cancer is diagnosed, the more positive the prognosis.

Liver Cancer


Obesity is the term used to describe someone who is extremely overweight.

The body mass index (BMI) is used as a realistic marker to differentiate between someone who is overweight and someone who is obese. Anyone with a BMI of 30 or more is considered medically obese, and their health is at increased risk due to excess body fat.


Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer occurs when malignant cells form in the pancreas.

The pancreas is located behind the abdomen and cancer is often difficult to detect because the organ has no feeling so symptoms can go unnoticed.

Pancreatic Cancer

Parastomal Hernia

A common side effect of a stoma procedure is a parastomal hernia.

The surgery can weaken the abdominal wall, and extended pressure on the abdomen can lead to abdominal contents bulging through the wall in a visible mass known as a parastomal hernia.

Parastomal Hernia

Umbilical hernia

Umbilical hernias are a form of hernia commonly (but not exclusively) occurring in babies. Where the abdominal wall isn't strong enough to hold the intestinal tissue, the umbilical hernia appears as a bulge near the belly button.

Umbilical hernia

Ventral Hernia

Ventral hernias are also knowns as incision hernias because they generally occur at the incision point of surgery of the abdomen.

Ventral hernias show as a mass of intestinal tissue bulging through the abdominal wall and can appear anywhere in the abdomen.

Ventral Hernia