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Weight Loss Surgery Gold Coast

Surgery to help patients who are overweight or obese is another option where other methods of losing weight such as following exercise and diet regimes have not worked. Dr Candice Silver is a bariatric surgery expert! 

For reasons set out on our page on obesity, being obese and / or overweight represents a significant increase in the risk of developing many medical conditions, so weight loss is important not only from a lifestyle point of view but also from a medical point of view.

Dr Silverman is a very experienced surgeon in the field of bariatric (weight loss) surgery and is able to advise all patients of the surgical options they have to allow for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.

Bariatric Surgery Gold Coast

The following bariatric procedures are carried out on a regular basis by Dr Silverman on the Gold Coast. Contact her friendly team today and enquire about bariatric surgery Gold Coast.


An apronectomy is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fatty tissue after a person has lost a lot of weight.


Gastric Banding

Gastric banding is a procedure that involves the fitting of an adjustable band around the stomach which limits the food intake and promotes weight loss. This procedure is conducted using laparoscopic surgery.

Gastric Banding

Intra-Gastric Balloon (IGB)

This is a temporary weight loss option which involves the insertion of a balloon-like medical device into the stomach. This does not involve surgery as the device is introduced via the mouth and the oesophagus into the stomach using an endoscope.

Intra-Gastric Balloon

Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass

This procedure - also known simply as a 'gastric bypass' or 'RYGB' procedure - involves altering the path of the gastrointestinal tract, bypassing both the stomach and the upper section of the small intestine.

Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass

Sleeve Gastrectomy

This procedure involves the surgical removal of a large section of the stomach (around 15% of the original stomach size remains). The digestive system continues to work as normal, however the amount of food that can be digested at any one time is substantially reduced. This procedure is conducted using laparoscopic surgery.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Weight Loss Surgery FAQ

Learn answers to common questions about Weight Loss Surgery and Bariatric Surgery Gold Coast.

Weight Loss Surgery FAQ